Sunday, September 27, 2009

Downtown investment continues to pay dividends

Ticket sales for the Broadway show "Wicked" were so overwhelming that the Proctors website was temporarily overwhelmed.

"Proctor’s has been the cornerstone of our economic revitalization effort and has been a catalyst for additional development downtown and throughout Schenectady County,” said Susan E. Savage, Chairwoman of the Schenectady County Legislature.

Democrats on the County Legislature have remained committed to Proctors, supporting grants of $1 million at the start of the project and $450,000 in 2007 to help complete the $30 million renovation project that made it possible for shows like "Phantom of the Opera", which in 2006 had an estimated local economic impact of at least $10 million, and "Wicked" to come to Proctors. Additionally, Proctors receives $200,000 per year through a dedicated arts fund that supports art and cultural programs throughout Schenectady County at no local taxpayer expense.