Friday, November 20, 2009

The Scotia Post Office Will Remain Open!

Congressman Paul Tonko announced that the US Postal Service has removed the Scotia branch on Mohawk Avenue from its list of retail stations and branches that remain under review for possible consolidation.

“I commend the review commission for recognizing that the Scotia branch provides a valuable service to its residents and is part of the very fabric of the community,” said Congressman Tonko. “This branch is vital to the integrity of the village. People move to the Village of Scotia because the services are so close -- within walking distance -- and reliable. It doesn’t make sense to drive to downtown Schenectady to mail a parcel.”

Susan E. Savage, Chair of the Schenectady County Legislature, thanked the United States Postal Service for removing the Scotia Branch Post Office from their nationwide consolidation plan.

“We are very excited by the news that the US Postal Service has realized the historic significance and importance of the Scotia Branch Post Office to our Main Street business district,” said Chair Savage. “This branch will continue to provide a valued and vital service to the Village of Scotia and the surrounding community. It has been a community wide effort to save our post office, and I want to thank our Congressman Paul Tonko, the other members of our congressional delegation, and all those who fought so hard to preserve our Post Office and maintain the character of our community.”

As part of the effort to save the post office, Chairwoman Savage submitted testimony asking the USPS to consider the impacts the potential closings would have on local communities and joined with Congressman Paul Tonko in a video interviewing residents on the importance of the Post Office and showing the unique character of the Village of Scotia and. The video was forwarded to the USPS and can also be viewed below.