Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Savage re-elected Chair of the Schenectady County Legislature

Last night, Susan E. Savage was re-elected as Chair of the Schenectady County Legislature. Under her leadership, more than 3,300 new jobs have been created and more than $400 million of new investment has been made in Schenectady County.

Beyond economic development, Chairwoman Savage has been a leader in creating learner, more efficient government through such efforts as organizing the Committee on Intergovernmental Cooperation. These efforts have saved taxpayers millions of dollars through consolidation such as the vehicle maintenance agreement with the city of Schenectady. The county has also, under Chair Savage's leadership, pursued innovative health care programs which have saved millions of taxpayers dollars. Since her election as chair, Schenectady County has reduced its workforce 11% and cut taxes 3 of the last 5 years, resulting in the lowest tax rate since 1956.

Chair Savage has also pursued important public safety measures, such as a ban on texting while driving, and was recently awarded the Environmental Champion Award from the League of Conservation Voters for her efforts to make Schenectady County government more environmentally efficient and friendly.

Her successful leadership has led the Democratic Caucus on the county Legislature to a 13-2 majority.