Wednesday, July 22, 2009


An amendment offered by Congressman Paul Tonko to the historic health reform bill was adopted during a marathon mark-up session in the House Education and Labor Committee. The Tonko amendment, which was approved along with a package of other amendments to America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (H.R. 3200), addresses shortcomings to the mental health and substance abuse coverage in the bill.

“Mental health conditions and addiction are preventable and treatable chronic diseases – just like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. This amendment will ensure that that these individuals will get the screenings that will lead to diagnoses and hopefully treatment.” said Congressman Tonko. “We need to help those who are vulnerable get the help they need, give doctors the tools to provide services most effectively, and produce long-term savings in prevention that are shared by all in society. This amendment is the first step.”

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