Monday, July 6, 2009

Congressman Paul Tonko votes for landmark energy legislation

Foreign energy sources often involving dangerous associations and the threat of global warming to not only our economy but our very way of life necessitate bold action. Congressman Paul Tonko and House Democrats recently worked to ensure the passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act, a bill that will create millions of new clean energy jobs, protect the environment, and enhance America’s energy independence.

“This bill is a bold step towards changing our nation’s direction on energy policy, reducing our gluttonous dependence on fossil fuels, and sparking a new economy built on innovation that creates American jobs that cannot be exported,” said Rep. Tonko. “It’s crucial that we act now and push forward with research and development on cutting edge alternative energy technologies, because it’s our opportunity to be the leader in the 21st Century global economy.”

Click here for more information on this important legislation.